Minimum requirements for election of ohs representatives 48. Work health and safety regulation 2017 nsw austlii. It is not intended to be read in place of the whs act. The corporations act 2001 is the main legislation regulating companies in australia. Officer an officer within the meaning of section 9 of the corporations act 2001 cth.
The object of this regulation is to amend the occupational health and safety regulation. Offences are offences of strict liability part 2 health and safety duties. Ohs regulations means the occupational health and safety safety standards regulations 1994. Published in gazette no 129 of 24 august 2001, page 6197 page 1 280 new south wales occupational health and safety regulation 2001 under the occupational health and safety act 2000 her excellency the governor, with the advice of the executive council, has made the following regulation under the occupational health and safety act 2000. The occupational health and safety act 2000 is a repealed statute of new south wales nsw. This includes the health and safety of anyone who does work for you as well as your customers, visitors and suppliers. Occupational health and safety regulation 2001 nsw legislation. Work health and safety essentials for nurses and midwives. Labour guide south africa offers a wealth of labour law and health and safety information and documentation to attorneys, companies and individuals. Occupational health and safety savings and transitional. Ohs act provides the rules and legislation to be abided by all workplaces. The industrial relations ethical clothing trades act 2001 nsw deemed. The nswfb complements this legislation by issuing nswfb speci. The whs regulation 2011 continues the approach adopted in nsw in 2001 of placing.
V any other law relating to occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety regulation 2001 nsw. Manual handling guide for nurses a policy guide for the management of patient and other. The nsw occupational health and safety act 2000, no 40. New south wales occupational health and safety regulation 2001 under the occupational health and safety act 2000 this version of the legislation is compiled and maintained in a database of legislation by the parliamentary counsels office and published on the nsw legislation website. Work health and safety act 2011 act legislation register. Repealed version for 7 june 2011 to 31 december 2011 accessed 27 march 2020 at 23. It covers companies and other entities, such as partnerships. Worksafe wa, workplace health and safety qld, nt worksafe, safework nsw, comcare.
Whs entry permit holder not required to disclose names of workers division 5. The ohs regulation replaces all regulations made under the occupational health and. This regulation is the occupational health and safety regulation 2001. Occupational health and safety act and regulations. Occupational health and safety clothing factory registration regulation 2001 explanatory note page 2 under the regulation, if an application for registration is duly made to workcover, workcover is required to register the premises as a clothing factory and to issue a certificate of registration. The act was repealed by the work health and safety act 2011. Work health and safety act 2011 as at 25 march 2020. Nsw legislation introduction if youd like to view any nsw government acts, regulations, planning instruments or other statutory instruments, you can do this online at the nsw legislation website. All workers are protected by the whs act, including. This regulation is the occupational health and safety savings and transitional regulation 2001. Whs entry permitholder not required to disclose names of workers 106. Pdf this report presents the findings of research conducted on a sample group of event management companiesorganisations to. This regulation commences on the commencement of the act.
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